Closet Consultation
What you wear says a lot about you! We’ll work together and assess what you love and don’t love about your current wardrobe. Together, we decide what you should keep, what you should donate, and what to toss in the trash.
Shopping Game Plan
How do you want to shop? It’s all up to you—do you want to try on clothes in the store? How about my private studio? Or even in the comfort of your own home, it’s my job to make shopping as easy and convenient as you like. I shop both locally and online for my clients, depending on their intended style and budget.
Finding Your Style
Once we know where we’re shopping and what clothes are already working, it’s time for me to hunt down the best looks for you. You try them on and we discuss what’s working and what’s not. This could take one session or could take more time depending on how far we try to push your personal style.
Outfits For Life
Don’t worry, we’re not done yet. The last step is to make sure you know the best way to work with your new clothes! You’ll receive a wardrobe “how-to” for use on a day-to-day basis. This features photographs of complete outfits as well as guidelines for the best way to mix and match your new clothes and keep things fresh.
See You Next Season
Ideally, we will meet the following season and keep building on what we have already achieved. This helps create a well-rounded wardrobe and eliminates the dreaded feeling of having nothing to wear.

Arden Rucho | Wardrobe Stylist